Reporter, Jack Jensen@jjensencourant In February, the CIAC made the decision to move boys golf from the spring to the fall. In golf, success depends on
Category: Sports
Keep up with all the Rams sports teams as well with game recaps and in-depth features.
Unmasked and cheered on: Athletes’ seasons return to normalcy
Abbie Dymond, Sports Editor@abbiedcourant With a late start to the season, mandated mask wearing, and no spectators in the stands, student athletes had a far
Athlete Profile: Julian Brawn
Senior offensive lineman Julian Brawn hopes to continue to be a strong presence on the field this season as he wraps up his high school football
Athlete Profile: Ned Brady
Kate Hunter, Editor-in-Chief@khuntercourant As temperatures drop and students flood the high school hallways again, Friday night lights return. Each year, a new group of senior
The girls tennis team prepares for their shot at States
Jack Jensen, Reporter @Jackjensencourant The girls tennis team recently won the 5th seed of the state tournament, which is the highest the team has placed