Catherine Chiocchi Editor-in-Chief Back in May, when my better judgment told me I should have been studying for my AP exams, I found myself surreptitiously
Category: Opinions
NCHS from the student’s point of view…
The Long and Winding Road
Emma Hutchins
Opinions Editor
When I was younger, the only life guidance I needed was from the game MASH. It predicted I would have 1,000 kids, own a red Ferrari, live in a shack, and work at McDonalds. Sweet life, no?
Flash forward a decade – through the pubescent awkwardness of middle school; the procrastination time hole that is Facebook; and the development of a coffee addiction…and Voila! A quintessential high school student!
Welcome to the Courant 2010-2011!
Emily Greene
Hello NCHS!
Yup its that time of the year again the dreaded August 31st…first day of school! However, we have a few things to be excited about. First off, congratulations Class of 2011, we are finally SENIORS, enjoy it! Secondly, welcome class of 2014, we hope your four years of high school are as memorable as ours have been.
Thoughts on the Oscars
Catherine Chiocchi and Charlie Dorf
Arts Editor and Reporter
The 82nd Annual Academy Awards aired Sunday night, despite contract disputes between cablevision and ABC that led to the temporary suspension of the channel. The big winner of the evening was The Hurt Locker, which took home Best Picture along with 5 other Oscars.
We felt it necessary to post our reactions to our Oscar picks outlined on page 14 of the latest issue of the Courant. However, we would first like to comment on the overall quality of the award ceremony itself. The energy of the hosts, presenters, and opening act featuring Neil Patrick Harris (Starship Troopers bug psychic anyone?) was much grander and more entertaining than in previous years. A tip of the hat to the Academy.
And now the answer everyone has been waiting for…
The Warm Room: That’s Hot!
Tina Tehrani
Senior Editor
You are on the second floor walking down a hallway. The following is on your right hand side: The Wagner Room, two fountains, four bathrooms, and two classrooms (rooms 231 & 232). You pause. There is a long door that has a rectangular window embed vertically into the door. There is a sign next to the door that has a handicap symbol with the following words underneath it, “Stair/Area of refuge.” You peak through the window and see the “warm room…”