Read this if you’ve felt personally victimized by….

Sara Levine
All you have to do is stroll through the lounge to hear about weekend hookups, and all the emotional shrapnel associated with them, to understand the nature of this war. For instance, as soon as a girl, involved in the aforementioned extracurricular activities, gets up and leaves, both the conversation and mood completely flips. Suddenly, all anyone can talk about is what a hoe she is. No word is ever mentioned about the guy in the situation, only the girl’s tight dress and attitude that screams “asking for it.”

Have cliques clicked into place for good?

Taylor du Pont
Multimedia Editor

When I look around the lounge during the lunch periods, the four grades are plainly divided. The seniors and juniors sit close to the buses, the sophomores sit smack in the center, and the freshman sit next to the courtyard. This deep division within our student body has become a tradition; incoming freshman always take their place, and gain better seating as they climb the NCHS hierarchy.

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