Do you see what I see? Using visualization to observe art

Sara Levine

As I mindlessly flipped through a men’s magazine, I came across a clay skeleton lounging on a white couch. The title read, “Urs Fischer Conquers the Art World.” Cool. Then I flipped the page and came across a picture that sparked my memory: a two story, yellow teddy bear in front of a New York City office building.

Though I don’t remember where I was going when I first experienced this sight, I definitely remember the bear. It was one of those experiences that is just ingrained in your memory without reason. It intrigued me in those few seconds, but then I kept walking without looking back.

’13 Speaks: Religion

Charlie Freyre…
on kids talking religion.

For the first time in my life, the greatest drama taking place this March wasn’t taking place on an American basketball court. For me at least, my eyes were fixed on God’s favorite popularity contest, the papal elections. For the second time in less than a decade, all the world’s cardinals met for the “rave in the conclave” to see who the next Catholic spiritual leader should be. As a former CCD student and communion recipient, I of course had a vested interest in this most paramount of selections.

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