Chase Strupp, Reporter @cstruppcourant Many juniors and sophomores are anticipating the new SAT that will be administered in the spring of 2016. Similarly, many wonder
Category: News
Find out what’s going on at NCHS.
NCPD and Grace Farms team up to combat sexual assault
Catherine Wright, News Editor @CWrightCourant On Tuesday, January 12 a sexual assault and domestic violence prevention course will take place at Grace Farms in New
Obituary: Town 🔑 Chicken Joe’s to close
Griffin Paterson, Senior Editor @GPCourant Almost since the moment I discovered the magical experience of walking to town in 5th grade, Chicken Joe’s has been
NCHS takes new approach to Veterans Day
Holly Santero News Editor @SanteroCourant For Veterans Day, faculty worked together to bring several commemorative aspects to the school day. Instead of the large presentations
Students start a mindfulness club to cope with stress
Charlotte Spruck Reporter @CSpruckCourant Camryn had stated that they had gotten the idea for the club because, of how frequently they saw problems that could