Eileen Flynn, Story Editor @eileen_courant In the wake of several school shootings, the idea of arming teachers has spurred debates surrounding the pros and cons
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New Canaan Crisis Advisory Board considers new lockdown procedures
Skye Curren, Reporter @esccourant As the generation that grew up with Columbine and Sandy Hook, most students have been doing lockdown drills since the first
Why Parkland? The national reaction that exceeded expectations
Olivia Flaherty-Lovy, Reporter @ofl_courant Since the Sandy Hook Massacre on December 14, 2012, there have been at least 239 school shootings across the nation that
2018 Senior Prom Fashion Show
Caroline Castle, Senior Editor @ccastlecourant Many students are familiar with the Senior Prom Fashion Show, an event hosted to help raise money for the post-prom
The Up in Arms Event: Students Get Involved
Meera Srinivasan, Story Editor @meerascourant In the wake of the shooting in Parkland Florida, students around the nation have gotten involved with the school safety