Alessandra Gass, Features Editor@agasscourant As the transition into the final stretch of the year begins, the fantasy of endless days consumed by summer rays will
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A farewell to the beloved class of 2022: it’s been real
Dear Seniors, “How lucky we are to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” – Winnie the Pooh Another year on the Courant has
Model United Nations club makes return to in-person conferences
Annika Khurana, News Editor@akhuranacourant The Model United Nations club attended their first in-person conference in two years at Georgetown University from February 17th-20th, marking an
What’s really happening between Russia and Ukraine?
Alessandra Gass, Reporter@agasscourant Unless you’ve been living under a rock, the growing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has become common knowledge. However, many remain uninformed
How the climate crisis has sparked initiative throughout community
Alessandra Gass, Reporter@agasscourant Certain expectations come with being a teenager in modern society. Whether it be parental pressure in academics or societal emphasis on the