The Senior Lounge: Land of Carb Consumption

You’re standing on top of the world. You stare down. There are 23 steps. You’re being sucked into your desire to fly over this spiral vertical bridge to enter a hierarchal high school lounge-a land of carb consumption.

You begin to descend from the stairs. There’s a courtyard on your right. Green Bushes. Three trees. Two outdoor tables (one black and one red). A ram statue. Label: freshman…

NCHS artists see the light in the new Eclipse gallery

Attention all NCHS art aficionados: the fall art gallery “Eclipse” opened on Thursday, Nov. 19 at 6 pm.

The gallery is meant to mirror that of an actual eclipse, an intense contrast between light and dark. Students involved with the gallery got the inspiration for their theme from Peter Kingsbury’s class, which created an installation called “Moon Hut”. “Moon Hut” will be featured in the boxed-off area of the gallery and consists of videos and photography that reflect different facets of night. The rest of the pieces in the gallery deviate from the dark nature of “Moon Hut” by celebrating light.

Too hot, too cold, or just right?

For the past couple of years, many students and faculty have found their classrooms less than comfortable when it comes to temperature. Some classrooms are hot and some are cold. Why this inconsistent pattern?

Sean Killelea, teacher at NCHS, described his classroom temperature, “It’s definitely warmer than last year. Last year, I would need to come in a parka and a knit hat…”

The scoop on financial aid night and tips for receiving financial aid in college

On Oct. 28, the Guidance Department held its annual financial aid night in the Wagner room. Guidance counselor Lori Lewandoski said the main purpose of the event was “to disseminate information about the financial aid process.”

Ms. Lewandoski explained the benefit of organizing a presentation on financial aid. “Parents don’t want to just read the information,” she said. “Having somebody to present the process makes it much less daunting.”