36 Years of the Holiday Assembly

Whitney Gulden

“The holiday assembly used to be called ‘Cacophony of Sound’, don’t ask me how to spell it,” Attila Levai said. Mr. Levai has been teaching at NCHS for 36 years now, and his first year teaching was also the first year of the now traditional holiday assembly.

“Ultimately the holiday assembly is a showing of mostly student musical talents,” he said. “Over the years…

Senior Breakfast and a little guidance

Emily Greene
News Editor

Tomorrow there will be a mandatory senior breakfast. Seniors will be excused from classes from 8-10:30 to learn about the transition from high school to college and life in college.

The first part of the event will take place from 8-9:15 in the College and Career Center. Members of the Board of Education, the Superintendent of Schools David Abbey, and a select cross-section of freshman college students will be chosen to represent different kinds of colleges and universities…

Leadership opportunities open for JV and freshman teams

Ellen Trinklein
Sports Editor

JV teams this year have been faced with a new ruling: they are no longer allowed to have full –time captains. Instead, coaches are required to designate new captains on a weekly or gamely basis.

Athletic director Jay Egan says that this is a new philosophical position he wants to advance in the coaching of JV and freshmen teams. His reasoning is that these teams are, for the most part, developmental…

ProQuest to be removed?

Olivia Marcus

ProQuest, the online database that many students use has recently been threatened with removal next year from our available resources next year. The issue is a result of the tough economy and the school’s money choices. “It’s not set in stone, it all depends on the budget,” said Michelle Luhtala, the Library Media Specialist…

It doesn’t always have to be a “Bad Romance”

Peter Lacerenza
Features Editor

In middle school, relationships had a simple formula. They consisted of merely calling someone else your boyfriend or girlfriend for a few days until things went tragically downhill. Now that we are in high school, relationships are often a little less formulaic.
Nowadays, we must worry about whether we are casually dating, FBO (Facebook Official), friends with benefits, having a no-strings-attached hookup, or caught in a dreaded love triangle…

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