PLL Recap: Watch Your B”A”ck

Monica Nair
Photo and Graphics Editor

For those upperclassmen who felt CAPT raving at the Outback overruled a crucial PLL episode, I am beyond disappointed. But not to fret! I’ve got the scoop.
After watching these past episodes, it was no surprise to find out that Spencer finally checked herself in for some mental evaluations. Now if only she could check in for a salon appointment…

Sequester Blues

Juan Pablo Rivera Garza
Blogs Editor

Sequestration is an event some have compared to economic calamity unseen since the ’08-’07 market bust. For the past few weeks the President and his allies (primarily members of his cabinet) have hammered the Republican leadership for a perceived “lack of cooperation” to resolve the sequestration. But are all these claims just hyperbole? Are they an attempt by the President and his allies to gain a political advantage over the already bloodied Republicans? Here’s what you need to know:

Making the Most of CAPT Week

Carly Risom

Every year, the Connecticut Academic Proficiency Tests are administered to sophomores. Being a soph’ myself, I am really looking forward to comparing and contrasting biodiesel and sewage waste as efficient types of energy products before 9 a.m. According to her Twitter, Kim Kardashian will have worked out and gotten a manicure by then, oh boy. Does Essie make a color called ‘Lazy?’ I’m sure it would be more popular than my personal favorite, ‘Butler Please.’

App of the week: Fun Run

Jeremy Singh
Will all the unnecessary violence and insane critter sprinting of Fun Run lead to an addiction, or is this game another forgettable title? Fun Run is a two dimensional thriller designed by DirtyBit that puts you in the body of a furry critter competing for the chance to be crowned victor at the end of a 90 second sprint across a happy terrain. The game can be played in a solo-practice mode, or for social gamers in a full-on competitive mode.

Oscar Trends: In and Out

Kate Howard & Sara Levine

We couldn’t imagine anything topping the Angelina Jolie leg that made up the 2012 Oscars. Boy, were we proven wrong. From crazy hair to JLaw’s trip up the stairs to the controversial musical theme, this year’s event was one to remember. In the style of The Clique series, we’ve made the 2013 Oscars In and Out List.