Student Stewart Taylor’s audition for American Idol’s “golden ticket”

Catherine Chiocchi
Arts Editor

If you thought you saw a familiar face flash across the television screen while watching the premiere of American Idol Season 9 this week, you were not mistaken. Junior Stewart Taylor sang his heart out in front of the judges at the show’s Boston auditions.

“The entire day was so surreal,” said Stewart of the experience. “I had been watching American Idol since I was seven or eight, and here I was, a 17-year-old, finally auditioning for it. I got to make my dream a reality…”

Choir students hit high note in London

Jana Persky
Centerfold Editor

Over the recent holiday break, 37 NCHS students and 4 chaperones traveled to London England to take part in the London International Choir Festival.

The group of students from both the Concert Choir and Madrigals was invited to take place in this prestigious festival, which brought together choirs from around the world. Students were given music to prepare in advance, and once in London they participated in a series of rehearsals and performances alongside students from Virginia, Nebraska, London, and other locations around Europe. While in London, the NCHS students also performed with just their group for a total of three rehearsals and three concerts over the course of the 8-day stay…

NC Sound fundraises for African elementary school

Charlie Dorf

A years ago, the NCHS Madrigal choir visited South Africa for two weeks. For a whole day during that trip, the choir visited the Eukangala School. Here, where they viewed a concert by the school’s choir. They had no instruments and only had a student conductor. However, their performance was not only phenomenal, but moving for several NCHS students.

Upon returning to NCHS, then senior Olivia Costigan formed NC Sound, a student-run acapela singing group dedicated to raising money for the Eukangala School. The main facet of the group is that they sing music that the singers themselves want to sing. Current seniors Jelani Alladin, Nick Larson, and Charlotte Fager also voyaged to South Africa with the Madrigal choir, and joined Olivia in the formation of the group last year…

“The Mystery of Edwin Drood” to come to NCHS

Teresa Montanari

There is no greater mystery than that of which lies in the thoughts of a dead man. Charles Dickens, renowned English novelist, holds such answers to the ending of his final novel, The Mystery of Edwin Drood. Ironically enough, it was never completed due to the sudden death of Dickens leaving the ending of the novel, and essentially the answer to the mystery, a mystery in itself. Until now, that is.

Coming March, the high school’s hallways will be busy with the burning question, “who done it?”…

“An Education” is a must-see for all teens struggling with self-identity

Charlie Dorf

As teenagers, we feel as if our lives are planned out for us. Get good grades, go to a good college, get a good job and … whatever comes after that. Often, we seek an escape, something more than our life pre-determined.

Lone Scherfig’s “An Education” nails this struggle perfectly through the character of Jenny Miller (Carey Mulligan). Jenny is an Oxford-bound 16 year- old living in 1961 England. She finds (at least initially) her escape in David (Peter Skarsgaard), a 30-something posh, clever fellow who can talk art, drives a sports car, and goes to jazz clubs. He embodies everything Jenny longs for in her life trapped in the lower middle class suburb of Twickenham…