Casts of SNL and The Today Show promote Career Night

Isabel Lawrence
News Editor

In hopes of breaking attendance records for this year’s event, the Career Night board increased publicity by creating a website specifically for the event, as well as getting celebrities to endorse the night with videos encouraging students to come.

Inspired by the effectiveness of the now famous Scholarship Sunday video, event Chair Julie Brand saw the importance of using media to interest students. “We’ve really stepped up publicity,” she said. “We’ve been working with the kids in TV broadcasting [who made a video]interviewing kids around school, and we’ve asked the speakers to send us endorsements and promos of career night.”

Career night snlThese videos can be found on the Career Night website, where students can also find the names, professions and business background of the speakers. “One piece of feedback that came after 2011’s event was that it would be nice if the students could preview the bios of the speakers ahead of time so that they could make informed choices about what sessions they would want to go to,” Ms. Brand said. “Now we’re not only giving everybody a list of the industry sectors that are gonna be there, but bios of the speakers in those rooms.”

Here is the SNL endorsement video:
