Career Night offers something for everybody

Isabel Lawrence
News Editor

With 24 business sectors being represented, as well as the introduction of more guest speakers, including NCHS alumni, Career Night offers areas of interest for the whole student body.

In choosing the industries to speak, Chair Julie Brand and the committee used input from years past to determine what careers were appealing to students. “We knew what worked from years passed. We knew which rooms got a lot of kids to go and which rooms didn’t, so we tried to capitalize on the areas that kids were interested in before,” she said. “We knew that finance got a lot of kids’ attention, and so did TV and entertainment, and so did sports, so we made sure we had those rooms again.” In addition to these tried and true selections, new jobs have been added due to the changing business arena of today, such as social media.

To make the night relevant, careers will reflect current school curriculum. “We wanted to tie the industry groups back to the high school curriculum, so we looked at the curriculum and wanted to makes sure that those areas were represented,” Ms. Brand explained. These occupations reflect high school courses, such as architecture, engineering, journalism, TV and entertainment, scientific research and environmental science.

Hosting a variety of choices, there is something for everyone at Career Night.