How to stay fit and in shape

Whether you made a resolution or not, we know that you want to get in shape and be healthy in the New Year. We also know that most people give up on this promise about a week into January. Our goal is to help you stick with your commitment to a better you in the New Year. From recommendations on the healthiest restaurants in town, to fitness and health tips of the week, we’re here to help you get active, get fit, and get that rockin’ bikini bod. (Note: this blog is applicable to both males and females. Guys, we know you don’t wear bikinis, but you can still get an awesome beach bod by reading our stuff.)

Debate team hosts November CDA tournament

On Saturday, Nov. 17, the November Connecticut Debate Association (CDA) debate tournament was hosted at NCHS. The debate team competed against 12 other schools in both the novice and varsity sections. Many novice pairs were undefeated after 3 initial 48-50 minute rounds were completed. Their 3-0 records signified that they were halfway to qualifying for the state championships.