Assembly puts 9/11 in perspective: ten years after

Kate Howard
News Editor

Tomorrow, the September 11, Ten Years After assembly, organized by History Department Head Richard Webb, will be held in the auditorium. The assembly will feature a panel discussion led by six speakers including VOICES of September 11th co-founder Mary Fetchet, author of “Messages: Signs, Visits and Premonitions from Loved Ones Lost on 9/11″ Bonnie McEneaney, among others. There will also be performances by the NCHS Madrigals and the band.

Remembering 9/11 ten years later

Kate Howard
News Editor

Ten years ago tomorrow, America was attacked by nineteen al-Qaeda terrorists on a beautiful September morning. The tenth anniversary of 9/11 serves as a reminder of how our nation has bound together in times of tragedy and the day that forever changed history. To pay tribute to the victims of September 11, several seniors have organized their own projects.

Students recognized for outstanding achievement

Kate Howard
News Editor

On Friday, June 3, over 100 awards were given to seniors, juniors, and a few sophomores at the annual Recognition Assembly held in the auditorium. The hour and a half event presented awards to students for their independent achievements while their peers, teachers and parents watched in the packed audience.

Internet transforms TV watching

Kate Howard

In the era of computers, laptops and iPads, it’s no surprise that online movie and TV watching is becoming increasingly popular. Many students are ditching their television sets and trips to the movie theater for Internet alternatives of Hulu and Netflix to view their favorite episodes at anytime.

Four teachers announce their upcoming retirement

Kate Howard

On June 22, NCHS will say farewell to four familiar faces that have greatly impacted the school community for many years. Photography and film teacher Peter Kingsbury, math teacher Attila Levai, science teacher Dr. Hannah Shear, and Special Education teacher Barbara Wright have announced their retirement.