Traditional backpack begone

Ilene Anders
Graphic Designer & Reporter

The tradition of the backpack has been embraced throughout universal school history. Because of the amount of schoolwork they receive, students have always found it a hassle to carry all off their books solely with their hands. Yet, in recent years, some students have decided to revolutionize the idea of backpacks and use alternatively styled bags to carry their things.

A little boy’s trip to heaven and back

Ilene Anders

When Colton Burpo was rushed to the emergency room in March, 2003, no one thought he would make it. Just shy of four years old, the little boy made an astounding recovery from a burst appendix. But what his family really didn’t expect was the tale that unfolded in the following years, an extraordinary story of Colton’s visit to heaven and back.

Students spread the Valentine’s Day spirit

Ilene Anders

Valentine’s Day traditionally sets the scene for people to get close to one another. Romantic love is celebrated by the giving of flowers, chocolates and greeting cards that have a quirky but cute sayings. Monday, February 14 is the perfect opportunity for NCHS students to wear their hearts on their sleeves, to muster up all their courage and give their hearts to that special someone.