The Ten Commandments of High School

Kit Clemente & Giuliana Savini

We all know that there are unwritten rules in high school. But by senior year, when all your attention is being focused towards orientation in August, you begin to recognize the ways that you’ve been living your life. As we descend from Mount Sinai, with glowing rays of light emanating from behind our holy heads, we present to you the ten most important of the high school commandments.

Poetry Fest to gather like-minded students

Giuliana Savini

On Apr. 25, the sixth annual Poetry Fest will be held in the Wagner Room. The event will begin at 7:00 p.m. and will feature the performances of poetry from students of all grades. This year’s Poetry Fest was organized by English teachers Kristin Brown and Darcy Smith.

What the hell am I doing with my life?!

Giuliana Savini

In 8th grade, I constructed the Pantheon out of gingerbread. The Latin inscription was piped in icing, and the Roman gingerbread men surrounding the building were reading their scrolls made from the paper of a Fruit by the Foot. And recently I have realized that that act, four long years ago, still matters.