Student artwork displayed in Senior Art Exhibit

Audrey Piehl
Arts & Entertainment Editor

As students stroll through the lobby they will find themselves immersed in a free-of-charge art gallery. However in place of Van Gogh, Picasso or Monet, the new generation of art is expressed through the works of the class of 2011. The Senior Art Exhibit, officially presented on the night of May 23rd, displays the works of, you guessed it, the seniors.

Paddle Club: one of the fastest growing trends

Audrey Piehl

After school every Tuesday and Thursday you may spot pockets of students journeying across the brisk Waveny fields. These would be the members of Paddle Club on their weekly trek to practice, ready to counter the crisp winter weather with every shot across the net.

Since it’s initiation in 2009, Paddle Club has become the perfect place for beginners and experts alike to work on their paddle game in a compelling and easygoing environment.

At Brookside, English and Spanish merge into one

Audrey Piehl

On Thursday, December 2, Spanish IV and V students ventured to Brookside Elementary School in South Norwalk.

The journey included several weeks of preparation, beginning with groups of four to six students. Their mission: assemble various activities designed around a book translated in both Spanish and English, and read it to students spanning from ages Kindergarten to fifth grade.

StuCo calendar keeps students informed

Audrey Piehl

A new addition has been made to the lounge: a large whiteboard calendar that looks down upon the bustling tables and vibrantly decorated windows. Many have seen it while climbing the stairs or getting yet another cookie, but few realize where it came from, or why it’s there.

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