App of the week: Wanelo Shopping

App of the week: Wanelo Shopping

Julia Hardy
Arts, Entertainment & Technology Editor

I may not have a Tumblr, but I’ve seen enough to know what the average teenage girl’s account contains: inspirational/funny quotes, One Direction gifs and really cute clothes that don’t seem to exist anywhere at Forever 21. While Wanelo Shopping may not be able to get Harry Styles to show up at your doorstep, this popular app can definitely bring those unique, Tumblr-worthy clothes to your closet.

After you set up an account and have Daddy’s credit card on the ready, you can search through clothes, accessories and room decor and save items you want to view later. When you save each item, you can pick which of the collections you created on your profile page to save it to for easy categorization. I’ve seen collections as common as “summer” or “shoes” and as personalized as “terrariums” (ummm). Right next to the save button is the oh-so-convenient buy button, which redirects you to the website page that has the item for sale. While you scroll through, follow people, collections and stores to customize your feed and see more items that are your style or taste.

Wanelo, which is the abbreviation of Want, Need, Love, is a one-stop shopping haven on your phone. But beware, although it may be free to download, the creator calls the app “dangerous for your wallet.” Available for all Apple and Android products.