App of the Week: Oak by Big Sky Health

App of the Week: Oak by Big Sky Health

Catherine Burges, Technology Editor

Abigail Cushman, Technology Editor

Meditation is a common method of calming the mind, reducing stress, improving sleep, reconnecting with the internal being, and more, in order to cope with daily challenges. Boasting 4.8 stars on the Apple App Store, Oak – Meditation and Breathing by Big Sky Health allows you to follow a series of free meditation prompts. Starting at the Grasshopper level, you will build on your meditation skills over time. With so many costly and oversaturated Meditation apps out there, Oak is a fantastic way to start with the simple basics of meditation and grow from there. Oak was also included in the New Apps We Love and App of the Day sections on the Apple App Store, and is available on the iPhone and iPad. 

You are also provided with the opportunity to pay $5.99 for the Mantra Meditation Course. While meditation can be an internal experience, the app shares statistics about how many other people have meditated and breathed that day, in addition to how many people are meditating and breathing at that moment. Your progress is also represented by levels. Everybody starts as a grasshopper and can move up a level as they meditate more.

Oak has many easy breathing exercises such as the one above. Screen recording by Abigail Cushman