Advice from the Best Dressed: Juniors

Advice from the Best Dressed: Juniors

Harrison Burt
Blogs Editor

First impressions are lasting impressions, and as high school students, perception will always be critical. Students at NCHS have four years to leave their mark on our school, and one way certain individuals start is through their clothing. I got the chance to speak with the students in each grade that I deemed “best dressed.” Here is what those juniors had to say about why they dress well and their thoughts on making an impression through clothing.

565879_506373466051961_771589990_nChris Thorkilson: “Swag is a word that I would rather keep separated from the way I dress. I’d much rather use the word “class” instead because swag is overrated. By having “class,” you can dress to impress with many pairs of Sperry’s. Even if you throw a sweatshirt on, if you are wearing khacki’s and Sperry’s, you still will maintain a good amount of class.”

405182_10151002665533161_1145347462_nSara Musico: “I consider my style to really reflect my personality. I like to dress differently than other people and add flare to my clothes every day. One of my favorite places to find inspiration is actually in my mom’s closet searching through all of her old stuff! She has awesome style as well and her vintage pieces are always cool to find.”

577139_4724175862516_1205858417_nIsh Farooqui: “Some of my favorite brands for the spring season are Hugo Boss, Black and Brown and Ralph Lauren. Spring’s a great time to have bright colored polos and experiment with patterns (stripes, argyle, seersucker). I generally try to switch things up and not wear pastels everyday. My go-to color would be a light orange paired with lime green.”

383672_513334962022942_776261391_nEmily Challon: “If you put in a little effort to dress well, for some reason it starts off the day a little bit better. There’s something about starting the day with high expectations that can inspire you to fulfill those expectations. I think that taking the extra time to look nice and consider your wardrobe is just one extra way to feel good about yourself and make your day that much better.”

224145_10151148012105547_1752645072_nCollin Reik: “Dressing well helps me feel better about myself at NCHS because people are prone to make judgements, especially in New Canaan. Image is very important with the judgements others make of you, so you don’t want to be thought of as a slob or something like that. Plus, it feels good to be dressed well. It’s not difficult, with cords being my go-to fall back.”

408307_2377251808202_49032488_nAbbie Jameson: “I just try to look like I didn’t just get out of bed. That entails taking some extra time in the morning to pair clothes together that I know will look good together and nice on me. So even if I’m having a really lazy day, I at least try to wear a sweater instead of a sweatshirt or a pair of leggings instead of sweats.”

photoJuan Rivera: “I don’t think you always need a special or fancy brand to dress well. In the end of the day the only thing that matters is how comfortable you are in yourself and your style. Being confident in the clothes you put on makes you wear them that much better. That being said, you can never go wrong with J.Crew.”

61987_526625270684460_1258770736_nNina Church: “I think that clothing is another way of expressing yourself. I think it’s fun to get dressed in something that makes you feel good and reflects who you are. Even if it is annoying to get all dressed up in the morning, I know that I’ll be happier with my decision to dress up than I will to put on a pair of leggings and a vest. It’s all about feeling happy and feeling like yourself. By dressing like everyone else, you don’t get a chance to show your personality.”

asdkl;fjWilson Fleming: “It’s always a good thing to dress well and I think it gives people a good impression. I always like to change it up from day to day, and I think that’s the best part of clothing. I recently started wearing more Vineyard Vines and I really like their pullovers and shirts. Also, Patagonia and J Crew flannels are good for a toned down, preppier look.”

387108_498829180131217_404299583_nHaley Michno: “I think that if you want to improve the way you dress then you have to figure out what type of style you want. Once you know what type of look you’re going for then just find what you like and try many different things until you find what you look the best in. From there you’ll be able to dress yourself for any situation!”

150970_10200357633963837_1624030282_nJR Anderson: “I’ve gotta look good. If I look good, I feel good.”




Be sure to read tomorrow’s Style Book for the Senior edition!