2015 Homecoming dance preview

Holly Santero
News Editor

With the homecoming dance cancelled last year due to lack of ticket sales, NCHS administration and Student Coalition hoped to reinvigorate school spirit by bringing back the homecoming dance. This year the dance will be on Saturday, September 26th and will take place in the gym from 7:00pm to 10:00 pm.unnamed

Principal Egan, who recently took part in his first NCHS Spirit Week, was excited by the amount of school spirit he saw, and understood the importance of finishing off the week with a homecoming dance.

“It seemed like school spirit took a dip last year because we did not have a pep rally or homecoming dance,” Mr. Egan said. “I think the dance is an important part of homecoming week, and it honestly would not have come back if the students had not provided the energy, enthusiasm and spirit needed to revive it.”

photos by Perannos

In addition to the administration, members of Student Coalition were also excited about having the homecoming dance this year, and want support to be shown from all sides of the school.  “We need, as a faculty, to show the students that we support them,” faculty chair member of Student Coalition, Priscilla Schulz said.So we said, let’s go for it, and that is why we are going ahead and trying it again this year.”

This year’s dance will be unique in that it will offer new activities based on students’ ideas and preferences. “I spoke to a group of students and asked what we needed to do to bring the dance back, because originally they did not think we were going to have it,” Mr. Egan said. “The students I spoke with talked about doing a couple different things that they thought other students would enjoy. I thought their ideas were great and said, let’s just do it.”unnamed-2

Ms. Schulz and members of Student Coalition planned the dance with the priority of students enjoying themselves. “We have a photobooth, we have ice cream and we have a great DJ,” Ms. Schulz said. “I think that the whole theme is supposed to be a little more casual. We were just thinking we can all have fun, show our school spirit, and get together.”

The dance will be neon themed and tickets will be sold in the cafeteria during all three lunches for fifteen dollars. To watch the homecoming dance unfold this weekend, check out @NCHS_Courant on Instagram and @NCHSCourant on Twitter for live updates on Saturday night.