Eva Pace, Arts Editor
Kim Kardashian, social media queen, has been invisible on her many internet platforms for the past three months. After returning to Instagram just a couple weeks ago, posting a picture of her and her family (the notable Kanye, North, and Saint West), we can’t help but wonder what exactly has been behind her social media break.
Everyone and their grandma has heard the recent scandal regarding Kim Kardashian’s summer scare in Paris after being held at gunpoint by some French foes. Kim’s trip in France was highlighted by her stay in the Sky Penthouse, which sprawls over 3,790 square feet and features 360-degree views of the city. It costs as much as $16,800 a night, which is obviously expensive. However, to put it in perspective, the amount of jewelry that was reportedly stolen amounts to around $5.6 million dollars. The Kardashian fam surely didn’t lose any sleep over the money they were dropping on this penthouse, to put it lightly.

The trip itself was a booming success. Kim carried photographers on her tail for the entirety of the Paris trip, attracting the attention of onlookers and magazines alike. Yet, it seems like all those flashing lights blinded the Kardashian family to one of their biggest problems. Kim had too much attention. She was easily traceable, her life of paparazzi camera flashes making her celebrity presence an easy target. Not to mention, that pricey penthouse was free from many of the CCTV cameras that plague the streets of Paris, making it easy for thieves to come and go unseen.
The experience was incredibly scarring for the brightest star of social media. As she was robbed in the latest hours of night, she is reported to have continuously pleaded “I have babies, don’t kill me, please, I have babies! I’m a mom! Take whatever you want!” Her mouth was taped shut as she sat in fear on the bathroom floor, only thinking of the safety of her family.

This terror seems to have put things in perspective for Kim Kardashian, as she took a lengthy media hiatus immediately following the incident. But her husband, the legendary Kanye, had gone off the rails in the meantime, bringing attention to the Kardashian family yet again. While on tour, fans complained about dropping hundreds of dollars on seats to a concert that was stopped half-way short. Some of his other events were highlighted by brash comments against other celebrities. While he was reportedly put into a psych ward as a result of a “lack of sleep”, the rest of his family appeared to be safe and sound.
However, three weeks ago, Kim K returned on the Instagram scene posting a #tbt picture captioned: “family”. Since then, she has actually been incredibly active on her accounts. Most of her posts seem to be centered around a flashback theme, all either polaroid shots or edited to give the appearance of antiquity. Is this Kim’s way of expressing her new family focus? Or is she just wishing she had a way to blast to the past, before all of the chaos?
If this shows us anything about Kim K, it’s that even though she’s a celebrity with several million social media followers and tremendous amounts of money and influence, she is human. She loves her husband and two children deeply, and in the end, she would give all of her luxuries and 20-carat rings for them.