Outback Teen Center will host hip-hop duo Aer on Mar. 24
On Saturday, Mar. 24, The Outback Teen Center will be hosting the hip-hop duo, Aer. The concert is from 7-10 p.m and will be hosted by Dj Ryyan Hova T.
Straying away from the annual March rave, the Outback’s Student Governing Board (SGB) thought to mix it up with this live musical performance, “We wanted to provide a fun event in place of the CAPT rave, while also bringing students back into the Outback,” SGB President Tim Casavant said. Tim, who attended one of Aer’s concerts in January, saw their growing fan base at NCHS and called upon Outback Program Director Erin McDermott to contact their agent.
While the concert will not be breathalyzed at the door, The Outback will have a breathalyzer on the premises. Students may be subject to a test if they appear to be under the influence of alcohol.
Tickets are sold out.
Last year more than $36,000 were raised and over 76 students received scholarship money. In hopes of meeting, and exceeding, last year’s earnings, co-chair Lisa Isherwood highlighted the need for student involvement.“We’re hoping that we can exceed the amount of donations from last year. I wish we could award money to everyone who needs it,” co-chair Lisa Isherwood said. “One hundred percent participation is a dream, if all kids came out, rain or shine, and walked and encouraged each other as a group, then we could get more students to participate.”