Raven Killinger
On Nov. 16 and 17, the underclassmen will be performing “Alice in Wonderland”. In this fantasy classic by Lewis Carroll, the main character, Alice, dives into a world of madness and adventure after taking a trip down the rabbit hole.
Students have been rehearsing after school everyday since October to perfect their numbers. Sophomore Taylor Thompson, who is playing the Mad Hatter, explains what exactly goes into a long day of rehearsals. “Practices involve a warm-up, whether it is dancing or singing for our songs,” he said. “Then we rehearse over and over again to make sure that every single bit of the show is absolutely perfect.”
Sophomore Kenon Lysenko agreed. “You can’t slack off; each day is a new experience and it is always so much fun, no matter what,” she said.
Sophomore Elizabeth Koennecke, playing the lead role of Alice, said their are obstacles and advantages that come with acting in such an imaginative play. “What I’m going to have to overcome is the memorization of my lines and blocking – which can be difficult at times,” she said. “Also, really putting myself in my characters position is going to be yet another struggle.”
Sophomore Nancy Leville, who is playing the White Rabbit, said the performance will be largely based on the original story line, but to not expect this play to replicate the classic novel entirely.“The show is full of rumor and surprises and [you’ll] always be unaware of what’s coming next,” she said.
Tickets are currently available for purchase in the front lobby of the school during lunch.