Message from the Town of New Canaan
1 pm Outcall Message
by New Canaan Office of Emergency Management on Sunday, October 30, 2011 at 10:37 am
This is Mike Handler with a 1 pm update form the Emergency Operations Center. All indications from the Governor, CL&P and our Town crews in the field are that damage is much more extensive than anticipated. We currently have 187 roads impacted by trees and wires. Given the dangerous conditions, all New Canaan Public Schools will be advising children not to trick-or-treat and as an alternative the Chamber of Commerce will be distributing candy at Town Hall between the hours of 2 and 4 pm. 43% of residential customers are currently without power. While this number is significantly lower for New Canaan than we experienced during Tropical STorm Irene this storm is much more concerning for two reasons: The overall impact on the State is more significant which stretches available resources; and, more importantly, the cold temperatures bring life safety into the equation. Downed power lines are live and resting in snow which presents serious risks. We are concerned about overnight temperatures which are expected to be in the upper 20s. Town Hall is currently open as a shelter, the YMCA is open for showers until 5 pm, St. A’s Stapleton Hall will be open for the afternoon for heat and power, the firehouse is distributing water, the Library is open until 5 pm. If you have any concerns or questions please call the EOC at (203) 594-4100. Thank you