Top ten Facebook party fouls

Graphic by Ellen Trinklein

Ellen Trinklein
Opinions Editor

Facebook is a great, albeit addicting, tool. We all know the benefits—you can meet up with old friends, post pictures, and become an excellent and proficient stalker.  However, there is a set of unwritten rules—or perhaps they are just my pet peeves—of what’s acceptable and what’s not on a Facebook page. It’s time these rules be written down and my pet peeves be addressed. Now, without further delay, the top ten Facebook party fouls, in no particular order:

1)      Spam—it’s just annoying.

2)      Chain statuses –Like this: Gloria the Cow died to save you from sin. 95% percent of people would be too scared to post this as their status. Are you going to be in that 5%?

3)      Things with enticing titles like, “Scariest thing you’ve ever seen!!!!! 95% of people can’t watch this whole video!!!!!” that you need to let take control of your Facebook in order to view—It’s all a scam…

4)      Rapidly fluctuating relationship statuses—are you together? Yes? No? Well obviously you have a really solid relationship.

5)      Daily song lyrics as statuses—unless they’re funny, they’re not worth it.

6)      Overly personal information—I know your boyfriend broke up with you, and honestly I sympathize.  But telling everyone about it is more of a cry for attention than a solution to your problems. Anyway, this is not something the world needs to know.

7)      Deleting friends you don’t think are cool enough to know, aka “Facebook purges.”

8)      People who don’t answer messages/wall posts—don’t be rude


10)   Farmville requests—I don’t play Farmville. Never have. Never will. End of story.