Carly Risom
Similar to mathematics, stress is a really annoying concept. Even though Mr. Doyle is a homie, no one actually wants to do math, and no one wants to be stressed out. I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather spend my time living than doing work and wanting to dig a hole to China with my Bic mechanical pencil. With the year coming to a close and finals creeping around the corner, stress is at an all-time high. If you feel as if you’re ready to flip your desk over and jump out the window, take a look at this list. Why seven things? Because that’s how many dwarves there are in Snow White. Duh.
1. Exercise
I never do this, which is bad, but apparently it works so try it. Unfortunately, exercise does not mean walking up and down Elm Street and eating froyo. Exercise also doesn’t mean walking on the treadmill for 20 minutes at speed 2.7 while texting in your GroupMe. Summer’13<3. As a wise lawyer once said, “Exercise gives you endorphins, endorphines make you happy. Happy people don’t kill their husbands… they just don’t!” Live by those words ladies.
2. Travel
It’s scarring to leave the bubble, but it’s good for your mental health and culture. It also feels good to get out of dodge every once and awhile. Take a quick drive over to Greenwich Ave and “do homework” at Starbucks. The only thing Darien is good for is Robeks, but it’s the town over so that counts as traveling.

3. Power Down
Turn your devices off for at least twenty minutes. Not hearing the sound of your phone does wonders, as well as resisting the urge to hit command T. Letting your peepers take a lil siesta is really good for you. Unless you want to get glasses like I had to, protect your eyes.
4. Bump
Pandora and Spotify weren’t meant for sitting as a bookmark when you load Chrome. No. They’re meant for zoning out to some tunes. 50 Cent is really great if you’re feeling angsty/insecure/in need of inspiration. Jack J, David Gray and John May’ are good if you want to chill out or maybe write in your diary. 50 Cent and A$AP have real problems. Cry me a river John. She doesn’t want half of your heart, okay? She wants the whole thing.

5. Make a List
In all seriousness, make a list. It organizes your thoughts and let’s you put it all down. If you’re feeling @r+$y, write it on a piece of faded paper with cool ink. Then Instagram it. If it’s really cool and gets 40+ likes, it’s a total confidence-booster.
6. Watch One Epi of Your Fave Show
If you have the time, watch an episode of your favorite show. Thinking about something other than school work/whatever is stressing you out really helps. If you’re watching the Real Housewives of Orange County, you may be more stressed out than when you started. It has gotten really confusing, and the new girl Lydia really irks me.

7. Go for a Drive
This is not the same as traveling. This means putting on some musica and finding newly paved roads to whip on. If you have a Wrangler, put the top down. Enjoy the scenery, breathe air that hasn’t been recycled by the entire student body, and throw on a pair of ‘Bans.