By Pruthvi Nukala

Apple – 2.894 trillion in USD
Apple, one of the biggest companies of our time started in 1984 and began selling “Mac’s”. Now nearly 40 years later it’s a multi trillion dollar company because of one product, the iPhone. Starting with the first iPhone all the way to the current day iPhone 15. Although each iPhone is said to be “better” than the last with no real difference visible other than the amount of camera’s, the branding of Apple is what keeps this company alive and thriving making it the biggest company in the world as of current day.

Microsoft – 2.824 trillion dollars USD
Microsoft was founded on April 4th 1975 by Bill gates and Paul Allen in Albuquerque New Mexico. This multitrillion dollar tech company is used in almost every day with it;s windows computer program. Not to mention it’s microsoft edge web browser installed into almost every computer in the world.

Saudi Armaco – 2.062 trillion dollars USD
Saudi Armaco is a state owned company that was founded in 1933. This company brings on enourmous profits because of it’s abundance in a certain natural reasource, oil. It is the largest oil company in the world and is one of the reasons saudi arabia is top 20 in GDP.

Google – 1.778 trillion USD
Google was founded on September 4th, 1998 by American computer scientists Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were PhD students at Stanford University in California.This is also a technology based company. Google is most widely known for it’s search engine that seems to provide the answer to almost any question.

Amazon – 1.567 trillion USD
Amazon was founded on July 5, 1994 by Jeff Bezos from his garage in Bellevue, Washington. It started as a company that sold books with an online website and sooned turned into the biggest e-commerce in the world. Selling almost anything you can imagine from clothes to electronics this company is neccesity that many couldn’t live without.