Pruthvi Nukala, Reporter
#1 Funnel Cakes
Number one on this list has got to be funnel cakes. Although this is a personal opinion one cannot deny the satisfaction of pure sugar on your tongue with the warmth of something freshly baked flowing through your body. This ambrosia can be found usually at carnivals, fairs, or amusment parks throughout my personal experience.
#2 Chocolate chip cookies
Chocolate chip cookies takes the number two spot on this list and before you disagree with me you need to realize that there is a huge difference between your average kirkland pack of chocolate chip cookies and a real bakery’s freshly made cookies. The perfect temperature and softness of the cookies along with the gooey chocolate puts it ahead of most of the competition.
#3 Cake pops
Although this may not be seen as a delicacy or a great dessert but, more of a snack it is still one of the best desserts. It not only tastes great on the due to the hardened sugar frosting on the outside but, takes over most desserts with the moist cake on the inside. It can be found at starbucks anywhere with different flavors. It is very sentimental for a lot of people as it is one of the first desserts lots of people had as a kid.
#4 S’mores
There is a big difference between the normal store bought marshmellows and s’mores. Once heated to a presise temperature, the smore should be golden brown with black flakes, then the chocolate should be melted in order to create the perfect combination of liquid chocolate and the softness of a marshmellow.
#5 Churros
Churros, when done right can be one of the best choices of dessert hands down. Authentic mexican churros not only taste better but, come with a variety of dips, such as caremel and chocolate. The sugary warm complemented by that external factor of your dip just makes it all the better earning it our number 4 spot