Kate Gilhool
Associate Editor
When the Salvation bells in front of Stop and Shop are a ringin’, you can’t get Mariah Carey’s ‘All I Want For Christmas’ out of your head, and family members you didn’t even know existed come out of hiding for one of the many large meals you stuff yourself with, you know that the holiday season has arrived.
It all begins as a tease. College kids are home for their seemingly year long Christmas break, weeks before you’re released from school. They’re celebs in the eyes of us high school youngins, and their college escapades are juicier than the first season of Gossip Girl.
FYI: Season one of Gossip Girl = Best season.
When you’re finally let loose from school, your living room couch will be one of your main bases throughout the holiday season. There you will catch up on T.V. shows with a nuked up plate of last night’s dinner while trying to avoid one of your many house guests that has overstayed their welcome.
Your living room couch might also become your hideout and in some cases your short term residence because of an overload of family members. In my experiences, I’ve realized that being with your family is all fun and games until your weird aunt and uncle have stayed at your house for one two many days and are force-feeding you their ‘tofurkey.’ Beware of the things you will see your family members do and how they act when you’ve been around them for too long. It may be scarring.
Let the four week countdown to break begin; Start preparing your hideout now.
Holiday Preparation Checklist:
-Stock up on T.V. seasons… I just got seasons 1-3 of It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia to keep me occupied. I suggest you do the same.
-Prepare to start hating Christmas songs by New Years Day.
-Don’t be afraid to overeat. This is a one time deal, stuff it all in while you can.
-Try to squeeze in a little one on one time with Santa at the Stamford Mall; You’re never too old.
-Find a new hobby. Turns out, I’m really good at flying toy helicopters.
-Get your Avicii New Years Eve tickets NOW.
-Start Tweeting. It will occupy your time and you get to share your horrific holiday experiences with others in cyber land.