Tips and tricks for applying to college

Tips and tricks for applying to college

Abbie Dymond, Managing Editor

As autumn begins to make its anticipated annual appearance, so do a few fall classics: pumpkin-spiced lattes, apple cider donuts, trees filled with different hues of amber and red, and, of course, college applications. For many seniors, the college application process is in full swing. Inevitably, seniors can quickly become overwhelmed with college applications on top of schoolwork, sports, and extracurriculars. While avoiding the stress that comes with college applications is almost impossible, you can do a few things to make the process less formidable. 

  1. Be organized.

Being organized is probably the most important thing that you can do not only with your college applications but also with your schoolwork. Try and complete your schoolwork when it’s assigned and front load your work. This way, you’ll have more free time that you might typically use for homework to work on college applications. A tool that you can use to help you stay organized is making a spreadsheet with all your deadlines and requirements for each school.  

  1. Know your deadlines.

It may seem a given, but be aware of your deadlines and prioritize your work accordingly. Another thing you can do with the spreadsheet is have your earliest deadlines at the top, so it’s right in front of you. This will help you be aware of what you have to do and when you have to do it. 

  1. Organize and simplify your essays.

When answering supplemental and essay questions, it’s important to be authentic and not overthink them. Your first draft is not going to be perfect, so just write what comes to mind and then revise it. Try having a separate document for each college with the supplemental questions, and then link it to your spreadsheet. 

  1. Ask for help.

There are many resources at the high school that are available to aspiring college students. For example, the writing center is a great tool to get feedback on your essays. 

  1. Have goals.

Set reasonable and achievable goals that will help you stay on track. This could be how many supplements you want to complete in time or getting research done for a school.

  1. Take time for yourself.

Maintain a balance. Applying to college is stressful, so taking time to do things you like is essential. Go for a run, watch a movie, or hang out with friends. Taking time to do what you want during this process will help you feel less stressed and allow you to take your mind off academic and college-related things.