The importance of digital privacy

The importance of digital privacy

Veronica Gass, Reporter

The internet has revolutionized communication, offering instant access to information and online shopping. However, this convenience comes with the potential risk to your privacy. Whether you’re active on social media, browsing websites, or communicating through email, your personal data is likely being collected and tracked. This can have serious consequences, but understanding these risks and taking protective measures can empower you. By using strong passwords, safeguarding your social media privacy, and learning to see the difference between real and fake, you can take control of your online privacy. 

Passwords are what keep your personal information locked up, so it has to be very secure. A helpful tip is using two-factor authentication (2FA). This is where you provide more information than your password alone. It can be a personal identification number, a code sent to your email or phone, a fingerprint, or a voice print. Using this whenever possible is a must since it protects your information further. Use numbers, symbols, uppercase, etc. Hackers can use programs that cycle simple passwords, so making strong passwords with combinations of symbols and letters will make them complex. The more complicated the password is, the better for it not to get hacked. Changing the password regularly will lessen the risk of being compromised. Make sure all your accounts have different passwords so if the password is guessed, it doesn’t give the hacker all your information. 

Privacy on social media is very important because you aren’t just talking to friends, you’re talking to billions of people you don’t know. One way to prevent your privacy is not following people you don’t know, but they can still click on your profile and see your personal information if you put it on. So keep your date of birth, home address, school details, city, etc, off your profile. That information isn’t for strangers. Using the privacy settings restricts people you don’t follow from seeing a lot. 

Lastly, don’t fall for scams. It can be challenging to see between what’s real and what’s fake, but it’s always important to take a moment to think before clicking on a link, no matter how tempting it may be. Look for common signs of a scam, such as poor spelling and grammar, or requests to click on a link. Remember, just clicking on a link can give hackers exactly what they want, so stay alert and cautious. 

Digital privacy is very important since the internet is used so much and there is so much communication through it. With the amount of risk there is on the internet for your privacy getting leaked, using strong passwords, safeguarding your social media privacy, and learning between real and fake are just a few examples to help keep your privacy locked away from strangers.