Video by Emilie Kushner
Emilie Kushner
Senior Editor
Last Wednesday September 19th, the the school’s quiet halls were interrupted by screams coming from the cafeteria. Underclassmen and administrators looked on as a mob of upperclassmen surrounded a lunch table. They were confused and excited – all they could hear was the roars of the students yelling “EAT!”
These students were cheering for the Eat-Off, which had three different rounds: senior Sam Vos vs. junior Connor Buck, senior Alex Sigg vs. junior Ryan Becker and junior Luke Montgomery vs. senior McCabe Hemmers. This idea was created by Davis Smith, who dreamed it up his junior year. “[Senior] Jacob Geyfman would always brag about being able to eat anything but I was like [senior]Moses Charles can take you” he said. “We decided to settle it with an eat off, you had to eat this gross food, a cookie and finish it with by chugging Bai. We noticed it was super entertaining to watch kids do this so we started doing it every second lunch, period 6.”
As Davis’ senior year approached, he decided to bring back the tradition. “I wanted to incorporate the whole grade so me and my friends rallied up all the fans, made posters, got a date, and got eaters to participate,” he said. The eat off was a huge hit, prompting a championship round on September 25 at the senior patio.
Davis accredits the success to the appeal of good clean fun. “It brings people together, it’s competitive, it’s funny and since usually lunch is repetitive it mixes things up.”
According to senior Tori Williams, the patio was full of high energy. “I was in the front row and it was really cool despite the fact that people got so excited that they were pushing,” she said.
Alex Sigg, who won the Eat-Off, declared his retirement at the end of the championship round.
Hopefully the fun of Eat-Offs won’t end here. Junior Will Cuoco hopes there will be more in the future. “I hope to participate in one of the eat offs,” he said. “I think I’d win!”