Madeline Diamond
As we return from our pseudo-spring break this week, it is apparent that 4th quarter is in full swing. I feel that I can speak for all seniors when I say that the struggle of senioritis is real. However, whether you’re an eager freshman still looking forward to finals or a complacent, college-bound senior, most NCHS students share the same state of mind: We want summer.

When I was but a mere underclassman, I thought the idea of senioritis was a myth. Even at the beginning of this year I was skeptical about the truth of second semester senior-dom. Needless to say, I was wrong. Like I said, regardless of your grade, 4th quarter is in a different playing field. Aside from preparing for finals, most students have more free time and less homework.
And what can a student do with the lovely combination of ample free time and minimal homework? Plenty of things, as I’ve learned.
1. Take up a new hobby
Perhaps you love the creative arts, so why not give some Pinterest crafting a try? Interested in music? A good friend of mine recently picked up the banjo.
2. Find a new entertainment addiction
I may or may not have watched the entire series of Lost in a month. Let’s just say that Netflix Instant Watch provides an unhealthy outlet for my television addiction. Without as many grueling tests and assignments, one can justify starting a new series, as if we don’t already watch enough T.V.
3. Catch up on much needed sleep
Call me crazy, but sometimes there’s nothing I’d rather do than go home to relax during a free period. Our high school careers force us to stay up late and wake up early, so at a time when school is less stressful, why not enjoy a few extra hours of rest.
We may still have finals ahead of us, and of course two months left of school, although 4th quarter slacking is sure to arise. If you are a senior feeling the need to slack off, or even a sophomore wondering how you’re only halfway through with high school, just remember the beauty of 4th quarter.