The annual Through Our Eyes VIII Art Show celebrates its thirteenth year

The annual Through Our Eyes VIII Art Show celebrates its thirteenth year

Valentina Baldini, Arts and Tech Editor

On Thursday March 13th, the annual Through Our Eyes VIII art show took place at the Carriage Barn in Waveney Park. Featuring artwork across all grades, classes and media, the show is set to run until March 30th where winners will be selected.

Showcasing numerous diverse art pieces, the Through Our Eyes VIII art show celebrated its thirteenth year. “It featured artwork from NCHS students across the board who have taken art classes from any of the three art teachers: Ms. Core, Ms. Pennoyer, or Ms. Sinski. “The exhibit showcased the best artwork across all grades and in all media from Drawing, painting, digital media, mixed media, ceramics, sculpture, jewelry, and photography,” art teacher Kimmane Core said.

Senior Willa DeFosset participated in the show. Taking numerous art classes, she submitted her whole senior portfolio. “Right now, I’m taking AP 2D Art and Design along with Filmmaking II,” she said. “In those classes I edit my photos, come up with ideas for photoshoots and write descriptions. In Filmmaking, we write, produce, and act in films.”

Senior Willa DeFosset poses next to her art pieces with her Gold Key award

While the participants are traditionally students, anyone can submit their artwork.
“Generally, the artwork comes from work created in art classes, but it is up to the discretion of each teacher to decide what works will be exhibited,” Ms. Core said. “If a students’ artwork has been created outside of school and is superior, it can also be shown.”

The Through Our Eyes show is more than just a showcase – an awards ceremony was also held at the end of the show. “The Carriage Barn’s Board of Directors jury selected a Best in Show work during the Opening Reception night. Ben Bognon received a generous $1,000 check for his winning art,” Ms. Core said. “In addition, all works that have won either a Gold or Silver Key or Honorable Mention from the CT Regional Scholastics Competition will be on display.”

Along with a few other students, Willa was one of the students to win an award. “I won a Gold Key award, placing me in the running for nationals for one of my pieces,” she said. “I also won an Honorable Mention for my senior portfolio.”

People should come see the show in the next few days so see all of the featured pieces. “It is truly amazing to see the quality and breadth of creative voice and skill level from our own high school students,” Ms. Core said. “We encourage families and anyone who appreciates art to come and view the work on display.”

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