Jenny Levine
Blogs Editor

It’s that time of the year again. No, not hockey season, it’s the techies’ time to show off what they have been working on for the past year or in some people’s cases, years of hard work. Unless you participate in tech night, you may not know a whole lot but Mr. Honohan, an advisor to tech night, said of the evening, “I find it to be interesting seeing how excited students are to present and share their success and failures.”
Tech night draws crowds of elementary and middle school students as well as teachers, parents, and community leaders. “It’s meant to provide students and educators alike an opportunity to showcase how technology enhances and encourages learning,” said Mr. Honohan.
If you’re interested in applying for next year or just curious about the application process check out their website. Each application is reviewed by a committee who then provide the means to develop and teach others with their ideas. If you’re interested in showing off a cool gadget, web design, or software program tech night is the perfect opportunity to share with a supportive community.
The question on everyone involved mind is when exactly tech night? The posters posted around the school says February 25th but due to snow days and looming CAPT/smarter balanced testing the board has been scrambling to find a date that works for everyone. So far no official dates have been announced, stay tuned to find out when the moved date is.