Kelsey Anspach
News Editor
Tonight the fourth annual Technology Night will be held in the cafeteria. The event, which is open to anyone who wishes to attend, gives students and teachers an opportunity to showcase how they use technology in and outside of the classroom to enhance learning.
While the event was first created as an opportunity for teachers to showcase how they use technology in their classrooms, it has become much more than that. “Originally, it was meant to showcase how technology is being used in the schools,” NCPS Director of Technology Dr. Robert Miller said. “It’s grown to include how technology is being used by students outside of school.”
Students and teachers will have the opportunity to showcase all kinds of projects. “Last year we focused on how technology was used in math, engineering, and science, but this year we opened it up to all areas,” Dr. Miller said.
Over the past three years, the event has become increasingly popular. “Tech Night has really grown. Last year we had a huge outpouring,” NCHS Technology Integrator Tom Honohan said. “It’s gone from a couple of classrooms to where we can completely fill the cafeteria to capacity.”
Dr. Miller would like attendance this year to be as high as last year. “Last year was the biggest event in the past four years. It was estimated that 400 to 500 people came,” Dr. Miller said. “It’s being planned in the same way as last year, and if we meet the same numbers as last year, I’ll be very happy.”
For Mr. Honohan, the most enjoyable part of the night is seeing how involved students get in their projects. “What’s exciting for me and most other people to see is how excited the students are to share some of the neat things they’re doing with technology,” he said.
In past years students have come up with intricate projects to share with their school community. “Last year, one student built a computer using feedback from his friends about what they would want in a computer,” Mr. Honohan said. “The presentation was all about sharing the idea of how he built it from scratch, showing how it works, and why he chose the individual components to accomplish this goal of building a super-capable gaming computer.”
There was also another project that received great feedback and hype last year. “The student project that got the most attention last year was a robot that could solve a rubik’s cube,” Dr. Miller said.
However, the projects are not limited to only inventing new devices. “A number of students also created websites, and there were students who wrote and filmed movies,” Dr. Miller said. “This year we’ll also have showings in the planetarium. They were a huge success last year.”
Although the night is mostly about showing off the students’ innovations using technology, it is also about working together to accomplish a goal, and sharing the result. “Although the title of the event is ‘Technology Night,’ it is also showcasing the sharing of ideas, and collaboration with others,” Mr. Honohan said. “Students have a broader audience. They’re not just sharing new technology with friends, but with the whole school community.”
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