Joelle Anselmo, Reporter @janselmoCourant The NCHS VEX Robotics team recently qualified for the World Championships of VEX Robotics, as they scored 7th place overall at
Tag: world’s
NCHS students compete at the Xtreme level
Brittany Barber Reporter @BarberCourant Although many sports teams believe individual contribution is a key to success, Xtreme Cheer has proven this theory wrong. Junior Katie
Irish dancing jigs into NCHS
Drew Davis Reporter @ddavisCourant While most athletes spend their Sundays relaxing and recovering, it is typical to find Irish dancers suiting up in their elaborate
Irish dance competitions
Trey Oehmler Reporter @treycourant North American Irish Dancing Championships – Founded by 6 Irish Dance Teachers in 1964 and created by The Irish Dance Teacher’s
Chasing down the globe
Casey Manzella
When senior Emma Gruber was young, she took ballet and ice skating lessons, but neither of these seemed to interest her. One day when she was in elementary school, she attended the Lord of the Dance, a professional Irish Dance performance, and immediately fell in love. “I loved watching the high kicks and jumps!” she said. “It was so amazing, I just wanted to do what they were doing.”