Kaitlyn Sandvik & Jenny Levine Arts, Entertainment, Technology Editors @ksandvik @jalevinecourant Audrey Kirkpatrick has spent the better years of her life sitting on the floor
Tag: Theatre
A Seussification of a Midsummer’s Night Dream kicks off the year with laughter
Holly Santero Reporter @Santerocourant Rhymes and Shakespearean couplets are in the air as the NCHS theatre prepares for its hilarious Dr. Seuss inspired drama, which parodies
Student artists of all realms utilize summer for improving their craft
Kaitlyn Sandvik Arts, Entertainment, and Technology Editor The creativity of student artists doesn’t end with the school year. While many spent the summer break lounging
Students pursue theatre over the summer
Jenny Levine Arts, Entertainment, and Technology Editor While most students use their summers for binge watching Netflix or relaxing by the pool, theatre students warm
Below the stage
Kaitlyn Sandvik and Jenny Levine Art, Entertainment and Technology Editors Before rehearsal for the school musical begins, student musicians in the orchestra pit fill the