Sweet Charity production underway

Kit Clemente

Beginning on Mar. 8 and running through Mar. 10, the high school theater will perform their Spring production, Sweet Charity. The play is based off the original musical movie written by Neil Simon and directed and choreographed by Bob Fosse. It’s the story of a young woman, Charity, who supports herself as a dance call hostess and tirelessly searches for love.

Godspell preaches under the big top

Audrey Piehl
Arts & Entertainment Editor

Despite popular belief, the genius of acclaimed composer Stephen Schwartz has been ringing in the public’s ears on more than one occasion. His lyrics helped Elphaba defy the gravity of Oz, deftly apply the colorful brushstrokes to Pocahontas’ wind, breath life into the circus community of Jesus Christ…wait. What was that last one?

Theater students take a stroll through “The Secret Garden”

Harrison Burt

On June 3 the NCHS Drama Department premiered the spring production of The Secret Garden . Based on the novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett, the play tells the story of an orphaned girl named Mary Lennox, who is sent to India to live with her widowed Uncle Archibald. The cast also includes the sibling servant duo Martha and Dickens, Archibald’s lost love Lily and devious brother Neville, and various regal ghosts.

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