Making the Most of CAPT Week

Carly Risom

Every year, the Connecticut Academic Proficiency Tests are administered to sophomores. Being a soph’ myself, I am really looking forward to comparing and contrasting biodiesel and sewage waste as efficient types of energy products before 9 a.m. According to her Twitter, Kim Kardashian will have worked out and gotten a manicure by then, oh boy. Does Essie make a color called ‘Lazy?’ I’m sure it would be more popular than my personal favorite, ‘Butler Please.’

Seniors to take NAEP Test

Isabel Lawrence
News Editor

For two weeks in March, sophomores undergo CAPT testing, a statewide exam that is a graduation requirement. However, CAPTs are not the only grade specific test taken at NCHS. On Feb. 12, the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) test will be adminsitered, to be taken by a group of randomly selected seniors.

CAPT Week Schedule

Lucia Molina
Features Editor

The Connecticut Academic Performance Tests, or CAPTs, begin Friday, Mar. 4 and will continue through Monday, Mar. 14. Every year, these tests are administrated by the Connecticut State Board of Education and are proctored to students in their sophomore year. If the school’s goal is not met, students in their sophomores are given the chance to retest as juniors.