Country club vs. high school sports

Emily Wood
Sports Editor

For most of us, summer means a beach and a book. But for many NCHS student athletes, this season presents another opportunity to compete. This time not representing the Rams, but instead their respective country clubs, whether it be the New Canaan Field Club Bandits, the Waveny Gators or the Lake Club Tigers.

Welcome to the club

Gogo Jones

With over 20 varsity sport programs, NCHS is home to hundreds of athletes. And while many will go on to play in college, the vast majority will not. For those who love playing the game but don’t find being a member of an official college team an option, club sports provide a fun and competitive alternative.

Paddle Club: one of the fastest growing trends

Audrey Piehl

After school every Tuesday and Thursday you may spot pockets of students journeying across the brisk Waveny fields. These would be the members of Paddle Club on their weekly trek to practice, ready to counter the crisp winter weather with every shot across the net.

Since it’s initiation in 2009, Paddle Club has become the perfect place for beginners and experts alike to work on their paddle game in a compelling and easygoing environment.