Lauren Doherty, Reporter@ldohertycourant In addition to balancing a social life, school, and extracurriculars, seniors across the country are faced with the burden of college applications.
Tag: Susan Carroll

What Do Sophomores Want To Know?
By Catherine Burges, Reporter@cburges_courant
A look into Career Night
Allie Neugeboren, Features Editor @alneugiecourant With Winter Storm Stella threatening blizzard conditions, check @NCHSPFA for updates on Career Night. Update* as of 3/13, Career Night has
Class of 2017 sees spike in applicants for senior internships
Brittany Barber, Features Editor @barbercourant Every spring, NCHS offers an internship to any senior who wants to try something new for the remaining weeks of
NCHS students travel to impact lives in third world countries
Allie Neugeboren, Features Editor @alneugiecourant Every student’s dream includes taking a break from school and traveling far, far away to a tropical island with a