Danielle O’Malley, Editor-in-Chief@domalley_ What’s high school all about? For some, balancing homework, sports practice and hanging out with friends are the utmost important aspects in
Tag: Students
Mini Mic Meetings Episode 3: Movies
Annika Khurana, Executive Editor@akhuranacourant Maeve Hibbert, Blogs Editor@mhibbertcourant Join Annika Khurana and Maeve Hibbert in the third episode of Mini Mic Meetings to hear about
Students reflect on nuanced styles of grading centered around self-assessment
Alessandra Gass, Features Editor @agasscourant The numerical percentage attached to each course is meant to encapsulate the intellectual ability of high schoolers everywhere. The slight
Student bands reach new heights through local performances
Amber Sadiq, Arts & Tech Editor@asadiqcourant Hobbies and extracurricular activities are typical for a progressing highschool student, and in a community very dominated by athletics,
The Music That Makes Us
Maeve Hibbert, Blogs Editor @mhibbertcourant A teacher walks around the classroom, handing out a test to each student. Most people would picture this testing environment