The best places in town to get holiday drinks

Molly Stine

The holiday season brings for New Canaanites gift shopping, house decorating and sledding (weather permitting). But the most anticipated part of the season appears in coffee shops around town. The love of holiday drinks runs deep and as you can imagine, things can get pretty heated (no pun intended) over who makes them the best. NCHS students have evaluated where they think the best spot in town is to get a holiday drink during the season. Whether it’s Zumbach’s, Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts, everybody has a personal preference.

App of the week: Passbook

Julia Hardy
Arts, Entertainment & Technology Editor

With or without the iPhone 5, all Apple users who downloaded iOS 6 found themselves with a new application on their home screens. Passbook is now a standard app with the sole purpose is making life a little less chaotic. How? By centralizing your gift cards, tickets and coupons into one paperless location for easy access.

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