Spring has sprung at Caren Forbes!

Harrison Burt
Blogs Editor

The beginning of any season brings an exciting opportunity to clear out your closet and make way for a contemporary and exciting wardrobe. But in the end, Spring tops all others. After months of Barbour jackets and Frey boots, students everyone can peel off the sweaters and leggings to begin their fashion rebirth. In a time of year fraught with endless colors, patterns, material and design possibilities, Spring is the time to really make a mark.

Spring 2011: Tough Trends

Lucia Molina
Features Editor

It’s that time of year again: the snow is melting, temperatures jump from 30 to 60 degrees, and uggs are once again being worn with dresses—it’s spring! Technically, spring won’t be for about another two weeks, but that isn’t stopping anyone from wearing the most popular, up-and-coming trends. The slouchy sweaters aren’t going away and neither is the heavy military look.