Midterm Survival Guide: 2013

Carly Risom

Last week, I walked into my science classroom and noticed a sign near the white board. It read, “Warning: Midterms are closer than they appear.” I’m sorry but that is just such a bad joke…and I didn’t laugh. I immediately had flashbacks to my eyes being completely bloodshot, the feeling you get when you realize that you needed to have those forty-two Spanish flashcards memorized by, yesterday, and the sweet taste of stress. Nobody likes to take tests, except for maybe that one kid in your class that hands in their test nearly half an hour before everyone else. Didn’t Cady Heron teach you that failing on purpose doesn’t get you the guy? I love that color on you.

David vs. Sparknotes

Junior Connor Gress tries his best to keep up with school reading, although sometimes he is tempted by internet sites that claim to provide supplemental help to difficult literature. “When we were assigned Huckleberry Finn in my American Studies class, I found it to be very hard to understand because of the different language in the book,” Connor said.