Natalie Lopez, Reporter @nlopezcourant For seniors, with the fall comes the stress of college applications, but not for the 11 students who signed their letters
Tag: soccer
New and improved Fitness Center
Thomas Welch, Reporter @twelchcourant The new changes made to the school fitness center have vastly improved the originally bland room. Though they are quite new,
Fall Sports Preview
Andie Carroll, Media Editor @acarrollcourant Field Hockey: 2016 record: 14-4-1 State Champions in 2016 Captains: Sophie Wood, Elizabeth McCarthy, Sierra Smith New head coach: Kelly
New turf brings Dunning Stadium to life
Charlotte Spruck, Sports Editor @cspruckcourant The new turf that was added to Dunning has been a huge conversation starter since the beginning of this year.
Fall sports take on Spring training
Samantha Axon, Reporter @SAxonCourant One may believe that once November hits, the fall sports are over until August rolls around the next year. But, some