Caroline Knightly, Senior Editor @knightlycourant With the winter sports season in full swing, all teams are welcoming new players, whether they be freshmen, sophomores, juniors
Tag: Seniors
New turf brings Dunning Stadium to life
Charlotte Spruck, Sports Editor @cspruckcourant The new turf that was added to Dunning has been a huge conversation starter since the beginning of this year.
13 NCHS athletes sign National Letters of Intent
Ellen Ludtke, Editor-in-Chief @eludtkecourant On Wednesday, 13 seniors gathered with their coaches, families, and friends for NCHS Signing Day, sealing in writing their commitment to
NCHS students register to vote in the Connecticut primaries
Reilly O’Neill, Reporter @RONeillCourant Calling all seniors and juniors who will be turning 18 by November of 2016! Today at lunch the League of Women
Student volunteers needed on Scholarship Sunday
Leigh Charlton, Reporter @leighcourant On Sunday, April 3, NCHS students will team up to collect anywhere from $15,000 to $35,000 in donations from businesses and